Alone you’ll get Hurt, but together we wake Change!
Get to Know Us
Fisio BaPer is a medical services that dedicated to increase our client’s health. Established with commitment for exellence, We are specialized to give you comprehensive health’s solution in any condition.
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Fisio BaPer tries to provide homecare :
physiotherapy service
doctor service
nurse services
that able to come to our patients' homes. Covering the JaBoDeTaBek area. With experienced medical team, it makes easier for patients to receive treatment directly at home with flexible time that can be determined by the patient themselves.
Coorporate Wellness Program
Fisio BaPer helps companies to improve the life’s quality of their employees related to muscle and joint disorders in terms of aergonomics and physiotherapy through:
SCREENING (Examination)
Fisio BaPer Clinic
Fisio BaPer also has a physiotherapy clinic with complete and comfortable equipment and facilities. Physio BaPer facilitates patients who want to undergo treatment by coming directly to the clinic.